I received a faxed notice the other day from one of my vendors that imports goods from Italy notifying us that there will be a price increase due to the declining value of the dollar. And of course, I thought here’s that inflation creep – imported goods are becoming more expensive among all the other increasing prices.
So for anyone that believes that playing with pretty fabrics and color has nothing to do with economics, guess again!! I am just flabbergasted that inflation is at every turn. The cost of importing those gorgeous fabrics from Cowtan and Tout, Brunschwhig & Fils, Colefax and Fowler, Pierre Frey etc have increased every year since I have been designing (over 10 years now) and this past year has been the most dramatic.
So what do I do about it – for my more price-sensitive customers we use the imports as accents, we extend our budget time horizon or I say get what you love and compromise somewhere else!!