How To Apply For A Public Defender In Nj


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get a public defender, when you are in court: Tell the judge you cannot afford to hire an attorney and ask for a public defender; and. Provide the court with details about your financial situation to show that you cannot afford a private defense attorney.

for a Public Defender Every defendant charged with an indictable (felony) offense in New Jersey is entitled to be represented by an attorney, whether or not he or she can afford one. For anyone who feels that he or she cannot afford an attorney, the court has a process to determine whether a public defender can be appointed to represent him or her.

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you have any questions about the New Jersey State Office of the Public Defender, you can contact us at thedefenders@ or (609) 292-7087. Apply for a Public Defender Tech Support-Download GotoAssist

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an attorney, you can apply for a public defender and the court will decide if one can be appointed to represent you. Complete the entire application form and submit the form through the Judiciary Electronic Documentation Submission (JEDS) system at