How To Thank President Trump

President Donald J. Trump: (02:51) How are you doing? Vice President Joe Biden: (02:51) I'm well. Chris Wallace: (03:11) Gentlemen, a lot of people been waiting for this night, so let's get President Donald J. Trump: (04:01) Thank you very much, Chris. I will tell you very simply. We won the election.

Message from President Trump. Смотреть позже. Поделиться.

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President Trump had said they were heading for a lengthy prison term. On Wednesday morning, he tweeted: "Do you think the three UCLA Basketball Players will say thank you President White House chief of staff John Kelly has detailed how Mr Trump intervened in their case during his own Asian tour.

Trump: How about him? He should get timeout too. Wallace: Well frankly, Mr. President, you've been the badder boy. Wallace: And that concludes what will end up as a stain on my career even though it clearly wasn't my fault. Thank you, and goodnight.

Thank You President Trump. 5,898 likes · 27 talking about this. Thank You President Trump. Remember Trump saying America would never be a socialist country? How can be be so sure when 70% of college students think socialism sounds better than

President Donald Trump, accompanied by First Lady Melania Trump, waves as he boards Air Force One at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland, January 20, 2021 [Carlos I want to thank you for your effort, your hard work. People have no idea how hard this family work. And they worked for you.

VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: Thank you, Mr. President. It's an honor to be here with you, with Vice Premier Liu He, with our Treasury Secretary, with Ambassador Lighthizer, and with so many distinguished guests, members of PRESIDENT TRUMP: How's General Electric doing, Nels?

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President Trump receives non-stop criticism in the press. I agree that criticism is necessary when a president makes mistakes, but where are the 15. Defeating ISIS: President Trump gave our military forces the freedom to defeat ISIS and drive them out of large sections of Iraq and Syria, which they did.

Thank You President Trump. Something to think about Published October 4, 2020 4,112 Views $ earned. Rumble — President Trump promised the American people that he would win, and he has been doing just that.

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And yes, thank you President Trump for Warp Speed. Thank you Vice President Pence for leading the White House Coronavirus Task Force for those Trying to pull Fox's ratings up. How disappointing it must be for Lachlan to fall behind MSNBC. Oh, to be a fly on that Boardroom wall when Rupert

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Donald Trump: Thank you. Lesley Stahl: How surprised were you? President-elect Donald Trump CBS News. Donald Trump: And I like having that because I'm going to be inheriting that in a short period Donald Trump: You know the amazing thing to show you the incredible nature of our country.

The president was there to play golf with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan. There the dot stayed until at least 1:12 , when it moved to the Trump International He also joined President Trump at the National Cathedral the day after the inauguration. United States Secret Service James J.

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President Donald Trump delivered his State of the Union address on Tuesday night. The vision I will lay out this evening demonstrates how we are building the world's most prosperous and Jobs and investment are pouring into 9,000 previously-neglected neighborhoods thanks to Opportunity

Former President Donald Trump said that current leader Joe Biden should send troops to protect the US border, not Ukraine's. "Everyone in Washington is obsessing over how to protect Ukraine's border, but the most important border in the world right now for us is not Ukraine's border, it'

How to Counter Iran's Growing Ties to China. "I was there for all of the survivors that I work with, who are so grateful for President Trump," says abortion I shook his hand and said, 'On behalf of the 269 survivors that I've connected with, through my work, I want to thank you for your commitment

Mr. President, I am sick and tired of hearing about how low your job approval rating is. According to the Pew Research Center , at the end of your first year in office only 32% of Americans approved of the job you're doing. But as you yourself often say, you are one of the smartest people around.

The presidency of Donald Trump began at noon EST (17:00 UTC) on January 20, 2017, when Donald Trump was inaugurated as the 45th president of the United States, and ended on January 20, 2021.

As President Donald Trump receives criticism for how he has handled the coronavirus pandemic, his backers have taken to social media to show their support. Thank you Mr. President!" Posts of that nature contain a degree of truth, but are misleading. Trump, as promised during his campaign,

Thank you Mr. President for being an utter failure of a President and human being. Thank you for contributing to deaths of over 130,000 Americans due to your Trump Tried to Kill Biden with COVID-19 | It turns out that Trump knew he had COVID at the first presidential debate, but lied about it.

The cursing president. How Trump changed America's rules about profanity. Trump is so obscene that the country's newspapers and websites, including this one, have had to change their Thanks to him, you can now read "shithole" in The New York Times. Last month, Trump said Joe

Find out how President Donald J. Trump, Dan Scavino, Mike Pompeo, General Mike Flynn and Lin Wood are on the top of my list as those most likely working with Q, or Q is Truth 100% Proof EPIC 3-Year Delta! Trump is Still President! Dan Scavino Comms! Insurrection Act & Military Court Tribunals!

In the midst of a pandemic, President Donald Trump pulled off an energy coup: He was able to convince the second and third largest crude oil producing countries to set their bickering aside and voluntarily cut production, at least for a couple of months.

"We thank President Trump for signing this important legislation and extend our appreciation to the White House Initiatives on HBCUs for its effort to "I want to thank Congress and the Administration for passing the bipartisan HBCU PARTNERS Act. As a member of the President's Board of

In Part 1 of this article , we covered social media censorship and how President Trump is standing up to defend the truth. But what was the final straw that Last Tuesday, the President tweeted about the fraud inherent in mail-in ballots. There is NO WAY (ZERO!) that Mail-In Ballots will be anything

Trump's lawyer Lyn Wood says he has some very interesting information regarding Democrats. He wrote this on social media site PARLER, adding that denunciatory information about the American elite will be released in the next two weeks. Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Nancy

US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump walk across the South Lawn upon return to the White House in Washington, DC on May 27, 2020. - SpaceX's landmark launch to the International Space Station -- the first crewed mission to blast off from US soil in almost a decade -- was

President Trump promised during his 2016 campaign that he would eliminate the national debt in eight years. It was projected that he would add at least $ How Did the National Debt Increase? At first it seemed that Trump was lowering the debt. It fell $102 billion in the first six months after he took office.

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Are you ready to hear an unbiased and unique account of President Trump's first two years in office? As it turns out, the American public has a lot to be grateful for. We'll carefully examine every issue for all angles to get to the bottom of our country's most pressing issues, ultimately coming up with 11

President Trump released a statement on Saturday night. This was after evidence from the Durham investigation finally confirmed that President Trump President Trump was under constant attack by a group of individuals operating outside the law. These dirty and dishonest people did everything

President Trump wanted the world to know that he deserved credit for freeing three UCLA basketball players who were detained in China over the suspicion of shoplifting. 'Thank you to the United States government and President Trump for your efforts to bring us home,' Hill said.