How To Tell When You Need Cataract Surgery

Cataract is an eye condition in which vision of eye gets affected due to clouding or blurring of the lens. Read this blog to know all you need to know about cataract and its How to Have a Successful Recovery? Many people are able to resume normal activities even the day after the cataract surgery.

Cataracts only need removal when they cause significant vision loss. How will you know that you are ready to undergo cataract surgery? The only way to tell for sure is to have an eye doctor track your progress. At Frantz EyeCare in Fort Myers, FL you will receive top vision care.

During cataract surgery, your cloudy natural lens is removed and replaced with a clear artificial lens. That lens is called an intraocular lens (IOL). Your ophthalmologist will talk with you about how active you can be soon after surgery. He or she will tell you when you can safely exercise, drive or

If you need cataract surgery in both eyes, your surgeon will usually wait at least a few days, or even up to two weeks, for your first eye to recover before performing the procedure What are Cataracts? When vision becomes cloudy. Causes and Risk Factors of Cataract How to prevent cataracts.

Cataract surgery is safe and corrects vision problems caused by cataracts. Surgery is the only way to get rid of a cataract, but you may not need to get surgery right away. Tell your doctor if cataracts are getting in the way of your everyday activities. See your doctor for regular check-ups.

How to prepare for cataract surgery. On the day of the surgery, you will be given eye drops that include an antibiotic. You will have a small plastic If you do, you should tell a nurse or doctor so they can give you something to ease the pain. You will be given eye drops and told how long you need

If you need surgery on both eyes, your surgeon will decide when your first eye has healed enough for the second surgery. Cataract surgery usually doesn't cause a lot of pain. Ask your doctor what pain medication to use if you need it in the first few Your doctor will tell you how many nights to do this.

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Although cataract surgery almost always restores sight, doctors prefer that you schedule the operation before lenses get hard, which happens with age Fact: Cataracts are a natural part of aging; however, you can protect your eyes by always donning shades when you're out in the sun — summer or winter.

The best time to do cataract surgery is when you can no longer be corrected by glasses or contact lenses to an acuity that allows you to do the things you need to do in life. Alternatively, if you are told that you have cataracts, but you have no trouble performing any visual tasks (seeing street signs at

Why Do You Need Cataract Surgery? | When performing everyday activities becomes a problem for you due to cataract or it starts hindering in treatment of some other eye problem, your eye doctor is most likely to recommend cataract surgery.

How is a Cataract Treated? Non-Surgical management: Just because you have a cataract does not mean that you need it removed right away. Your doctor can recommend a further procedure to correct the problem. How Do I Decide Whether Surgery is Right for Me? Be sure to tell your

CATARACTS surgery may be recommended for people whose vision is affected by cloudy patches. Eye surgery can be daunting, so it's good to know what procedures involve. Here's what to look out for to determine if you need cataract surgery and how treatment works.

"You need to determine how bad the corneal pathology is, how much it's independently affecting the "For these reasons, when performing cataract surgery on a diabetic patient, make sure that "I tell the patient to expect a higher risk of having a follow-up surgery after the initial cataract

2. Cataract surgery allows you to see more clearly. Cataract surgery treats advanced cataracts You'll need a complete eye exam in preparation for cataract surgery. You may also need special Tell your doctor before surgery if you are anxious about pain. You may have minor eye

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Find out what happens during cataract surgery, how to prepare, and what YAG surgery can do for you if you find your vision starts to get cloudy again. You may also have double vision when you look at things through the eye with the cataract. These problems can make it hard to read, work on

If you are experiencing cataracts and need surgery, here you will find expert information about your costs, Medicare coverages, and how to qualify. For instance, Medicare may not cover you if you need multifocal or toric lenses, though they will cover monofocal lenses.

Cataract surgery can cost more than $3,000. Medicare Part B covers 80% of this amount. For example, say you need cataract surgery on one eye, and it costs $4,366 for the standard procedure. How to Choose Medicare Coverage When You Have Multiple Chronic Conditions.

Cataract surgery is a very common type of eye surgery. Cataracts is when your eye's lens, the thin covering at There's no way to tell who might get PCO after cataract surgery, but there are certain types of lenses that Once diagnosed with an infection, you need to start antibiotics immediately.


Cataract surgery—which involves removing the eye's clouded lens and replacing it with a clear synthetic version—once required several days in the hospital and a long recovery period. Today it is performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis, and people are back to their normal

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When a cataract interferes with your daily activities, it may be time to talk to your eye doctor about surgery. Amber Hoang, MD, a corneal specialist at Duke, answers common Stories and news about treatment advances that improve your health and quality of life. Do I Really Need Cataract Surgery?

Cataract surgery, also called lens replacement surgery, is the removal of the natural lens of the eye (also called "crystalline lens") that has developed an opacification, which is referred to as a

When people develop cataracts, they begin to have difficulty doing activities they need to do for daily living or for enjoyment. Some of the most common complaints include difficulty driving at Although your doctor will be able to tell when you first begin to develop cataracts, you will generally be

Before Cataract Surgery: Deciding Whether And When To Have It. Q: I am a 72-year-old female with cataracts in both eyes. A. Chances are that your surgeon does his or her cataract surgery in the outpatient department of the hospital. This is commonly done and should not be a concern.

Get information about cataract surgery. Learn how the procedure is performed, what to expect before and after surgery, risks, complications, side effects Although your doctor will be able to tell when you first begin to develop cataracts, you will generally be the first person to notice changes in

In this video, Dr. D discusses what a cataract is, what causes cataracts, cataract symptoms and how to know you need surgery, and what life looks like

How to know if I need cataract surgery. For many people suffering from cataracts, the word "surgery" can be a bit intimidating. Tell your doctor if you are taking any medications such as alpha blockers (like Flomax® to treat an enlarged prostate) as these medications may affect how

When a cataract is present, however, images are distorted or blocked altogether, and colors seem dull and more yellow. Most people notice that their vision becomes blurry when they Cataract surgery is one of the most frequently performed surgical procedures in the United States, and it has a

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Do you need cataract surgery? Find out what to expect during and after this common eye procedure. Cataract surgery is performed by an eye doctor (ophthalmologist) on an outpatient basis, which means you don't have to stay in the hospital after the surgery.

You may need cataract surgery if cataracts are causing vision problems that interfere with your How long does cataract surgery last? The actual cataract removal only takes a few minutes. Cataracts are not an emergency medical condition, so you can decide when you want to have

Cataracts are when the lens of your eye, a small transparent disc, develops cloudy patches. When we're young, our lenses are usually like clear glass, allowing us to see Cataracts most commonly affect adults as a result of ageing. Find out more about age-related cataracts. Do you need surgery?

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