How To Explain The Trinity To A Jehovah Witness

How does Jehovah's Witness differ from mainstream Christianity? This isn't the official explanation of Jehovah's witnesses but I was baptized as one of them back when I was about 14 years old. I'm going to explain to you the godhead based upon the Bible not upon the Roman Catholic Church.

The Jehovah's Witnesses depict the Trinity of Christendom as "three Gods and yet but one God" The following are analogies that have been used by Christians in the past to explain the Trinity but How they combine determines what kind of substance it will become. Energy is necessarily in

Jehovah's witnesses: objections to the trinity. (Based on the Watchtower publication: SYBT and other standard arguments used by JWs). Holding firm to Scripture, the early church would use unbiblical words to explain and define the biblical data revealed within the pages of the Holy Writ.

In another essay (Jehovah's Witnesses: Witnessing to the Witnesses) I The Trinity is a difficult concept to grasp, because we are finite beings trying to explain an infinite God At this point we need to look at verses Jehovah's Witnesses use to attempt to disprove the Trinity and learn how to

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Jehovah's Witness, member of a millennialist denomination that developed within the larger 19th-century Adventist movement in the United States and has since spread worldwide. The Jehovah's Witnesses are an outgrowth of the International Bible Students Association, which was founded

The Jehovah's Witnesses2 (hereafter abbreviated as J-Ws) hold to an The J-Ws next need to hear an illustration of the aspect of the Trinity they find the hardest to understand, how three can be one. The second illustration showed how the appearance of one person is in reality a composite of

Sometimes the Jehovah's Witnesses (who pointedly deny the Trinity) ridicule it with this little equation: 1 It simply shows how easily the writers of Scripture passed from one Person of the Trinity to How to Explain the Trinity. At best, what we have in terms of the Bible, you don't have,

Jehovah's Witnesses come from the different denominations. We have people in our congregations that were formerly Catholic, Baptist, Mormon, 7th Day, Hindu, etc. No, Jehovah's Witnesses refers to a Christian denomination within the wider ambit of American Protestantism's Third Great Awakening.

Watch the video explanation about Jehovah's Witnesses and the Trinity Online, article, story, explanation, suggestion, youtube. Sharing buttons: Other suggestions: Explaining the Trinity to Jehovah's Witnesses.

Many who accept the Trinity view it that same way. Monsignor Eugene Clark says: "God is one, and God is three. Since there is nothing like this in creation, we cannot understand it, but only The truth of that observation can be verified by going to a library and examining books that support the Trinity.

How is He using the word here? The 1599 Geneva Bible translates it "beginning of the creatures of God." The translators add an explanatory note to Here the principle of headship and submission established by God is displayed both in marriage and in the Trinity. Now show the Jehovah'

Below can be found the definition of the Trinity as defined by numerous sources. However, it should first be noted that even the Trinitarian New Encyclopedia Britannica says: "NEITHER THE WORD TRINITY, NOR THE EXPLICIT DOCTRINE AS SUCH, APPEARS IN THE NEW

Unfortunately most other attempts to explain the Trinity don't really capture the concept either, or are very difficult to understand. God is not like us. That's one way in which contemplating the Trinity might provide useful information for a Christian as to how they should try to live their life.

contains references to Jehovah Witness (JW). In some instances they are defended from false attacks by The Bible has instructions on how to treat those who leave the faith. If the reasons provided "are not reasons, but excuses," you should have explained why.

An example how Jehovah Witnesses distort the truth about the Trinity is from their 1989 tract entitled; "Should you believe in the Trinity?" The entire Jehovah Witness system of theology is dedicated to a contradiction of this important biblical teaching of God's eternal wrath upon those who perpetrate

Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe that God is a Trinity and use this as indication that they alone This shows the Trinity was well formulated by that time, though Tertullian goes on to explain that the You must not have any other gods against my face." Development of the Trinity arose due to

I was raised a Jehovah's Witness (JW, student of Watchtower Bible and Tract Society*, aka WTBTS) and was in that false belief-system for over 23 years. Since the doctrine is so comprehensive, I will endeavor to explain it using far fewer than 800 verses. To explain it to non- Trinitarians—

If asked to explain it, they would probably describe some form of modalism instead. I have tried to come up with a way to explain the Trinity, but I'm not sure if it works… John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me:

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How to share the concept of the Trinity with those who reject this essential doctrine of Christianity. In the pages that follow I document my response to a Jehovah's Witness who asked me for biblical justification You have asked for me to explain for you the doctrine of the Trinity from the Scriptures.

How God existed before the world began: There are many verses that speak of God's pre-creation life and they always describe a lively interplay of Persons ( When Christians articulate the doctrine of the Trinity they are not trying to impose an alien structure on the gospel but simply to explain

Recently, a youth asked me to explain the doctrine of the trinity. The request called for a basic explanation of what the trinity is, a distinction of the persons, and how it applies to prayer. I realize how blasphemous this may sound to Jews, Muslims, and Jehovah Witnesses.

Jehovah's Witnesses teach that the Trinity is an apostate doctrine borrowed or adapted from This article is one of a series of articles explaining in detail the doctrines of Jehovah's Witnesses and The Watchtower's penchant for comparing the doctrine of the Trinity to various triads of deities

Understanding the Trinity may be impossible, but proving that the Trinity is scriptural is not an especially difficult task. But the Jehovah's Witness's New World Translation renders the verse this way Explaining that this box represents everything that exists.

Jehovah's Witness. Latter Day Saint. Augustine, in contrast, held that the three visitors to Abraham were the three persons of the Trinity.[16] He saw no indication that the The doctrine of the Trinity was used to oppose alternative views of how the three are related and to defend the church

Thus Jehovah's Witnesses put their argument against the Trinity in life-and-death terms: If you believe this doctrine, you are siding with The Trinity is a doctrine that human wisdom cannot fully comprehend or explain, but that is no argument against it. 11. Witnessing to a Jehovah's Witness.

How Roman Catholics encounter Jehovah Witnesses: Some Catholics view this denomination as too different Many Catholics focus too much on on the difference and are unable to understand Jehovah Witnesses' distinct beliefs and practices Kingdom of God. Jehovah Witness. The Holy Trinity.

Christians: Explain the Trinity. when you look at a triangle you see three sides, as well as three angles, but the whole of it is classified as one shape. not one side is without connections to the other two, and each side is completely straight,

Check out The Trinity Doctrine Explained in Simple Terms and The Trinity Doctrine Explained in the Old Testament videos. Christians need to know what to say and be prepared on how to effectively witness and talk to Jehovah's Witnesses when they come knock at your door, and to know what

Although Jehovah's Witnesses reject these fundamental beliefs of Christianity, they understand the The first reason we must believe in the Trinity is due to the fact that God has revealed His divine We would have a God who would not have learned how to share with or care for anyone beyond