How To Cleanse A Tarot Deck

Cleansing and clearing your tarot deck can mean a variety of things. Some people say to "clear" the cards mean you intentionally neutralize them. You wonder how to do it? To cleanse tarot cards means to actually take additional measures to really clean out the energy.

Bowl. If you own a singing bowl – also called a standing bell or a gong – an object most commonly used for meditation, you can also use it to clean your tarot deck. Place the cards below the bowl and strike it. The sound and vibrations will cleanse the cards from any unwelcome energies that are stuck to Reading Time: 7 mins

Interesting Fact about Tarot Decks: A tarot deck when ordered online will travel through many hands before it reaches delivery to the respective owner. This is also a unique and popular method to cleanse a tarot deck. It ensures that your tarot deck as well as personal space is free of

How to Cleanse Tarot Cards. 0 Flares Pin It Share 0 Twitter 0 Facebook 0 0 Flares ×. While shuffling the tarot deck is a way to cleanse and clear the energy of the cards, there are times when you might want to do something more specific and ritualized.

– Sorting and shuffling your deck. You can make a big messy pile of your card and re-sort your deck into order infusing each card with your energy as you do so. 2 -Knocking and tapping the deck. A quick and easy way to release and cleanse the energy of the cards is to knock or tap the cards with your knuckle.

How often should you cleanse a deck? This tarot card cleansing ritual can help! Because tarot decks like oysters that filter and transform small pieces into a beautiful pearl, we need to clean our decks quite often to remove excess energies.

How to Clear and Cleanse a Tarot deck - If electrical equipment gets dirty through repeated use, they will be at risk of being damaged and will not 2. Store Tarot deck with Stones. 3. Store the cards in a neat place while reading. Three simple ways to protect your Tarot deck. 1. Preserve the deck.

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Learn how and why to cleanse your tarot cards. Discover powerful ways to clear negative energies & infuse positive energy into your tarot card decks! Once you've chosen the best tarot cards and decks for you and are beginning the learning process of how to read tarot, you may want to

So, apparently learning how to cleanse tarot cards is a thing you might want to do before you get a new deck, or if have an old one, or if you're giving a new or Now, there are a lot of ways that one can cleanse a deck, and I'm not here to challenge the method of any other hardcore tarot card readers.

are a number of different ways to clear and cleanse a Tarot deck: Sorting and Shuffling. Firstly, sort your cards in order, starting with the Major Arcana , then into …Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins

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Who knows exactly how each deck was made and what energy it was made with? These reasons alone are enough to initially clear the deck, but I even A cleansing is only necessary once in a great while or after an especially deep reading. If you feel like a cleansing should be done, then follow

Cleanse and Care for your Tarot Deck. The thing about tarot is that it's all about energy. Amaria and I believe that there's an energy within your cards Whilst an initial cleanse is super important, there are no hard and fast rules for how often you should cleanse your deck thereafter. A good rule of thumb

So, let's talk about how to cleanse tarot cards and take care of your tarot deck. To "cleanse" tarot cards can mean something a little different. This can mean that you not only neutralize your cards but also energetically remove any energies that may be negative, distracting, or heavy.


Now that you know how to cleanse a tarot deck you can integrate these rituals into your practice to make sure that your readings are as clear and accurate as possible. Recharging your cards with methods like this will also tighten the connection between you and your deck.

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I would always cleanse a new Tarot deck from whoever the previous owners were. Use smudge- dried cedar sage and sweetgrass bundles and let the smoke permeate the deck. I'd say it depends on how you receive them. I was tought that a tarot deck should always be gifted to you in some way.

To cleanse your tarot card deck using crystals, select the crystals in which you deem best to cleanse and/or to endow your deck. Some tarot practitioners do not believe energetic imbalance exists in our cards, or even that a tarot deck is even capable of such a thing.

Cleansing your tarot deck leads to more accurate readings. Here are 5 times you'll want to cleanse your cards, and 10 easy ways to do so, from experts. You can even do a tarot spread to help you expand on your intention, Vanderveldt adds. She recommends asking your deck questions like,

Reading Time: 7 mins Incense/Smudging. One of the most popular methods for cleansing tarot cards is with …Under the Full Moon. Place your tarot decks in a window sill, or on a table, where the light of …A Sun Bath. Like a moon bath, you can leave your cards out during a sunny day, or in a spot …Singing bowl. If you have one, try it out. Some folks believe that the sound of the bowls can …Reiki. Reiki is an energy healing system that uses energy channeled through the hands. …Salt. Many readers swear by the salt method. Wrap your cards in plastic and bury the deck …Crystals. Crystals go with tarot like peanut butter and jelly. Using crystals to recharge and …Knocking on the deck. That’s right. Knock three times on your tarot deck, as you would a …Blowing on the cards. There are readers who clear their cards by fanning out the deck and …Visualization and meditation. Visualization or meditation techniques work well for cleansing …See full list on

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Hello Tarot Readers, We are certain that as a tarot reader you must be involved in the practice of meditation and chant to clear your head. Concerning the same, this good read has shed the light on How to Cleanse the Tarot Deck in an effective way that can bring freshness and peace in your

09, 2021 · To cleanse your Tarot deck, you can use crystals like Blue Calcite, clear Quartz, Selenite, Black Tourmaline, Amethyst, Labradorite, or any other healing stone. Place the stones or crystals around or on your Tarot decks for at least three hours.

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Cleansing a tarot deck is a process that many tarot readers do before they begin to use their cards, to clear the deck of any negative energy along with imparting their own energy into the new deck. This spiritual cleansing can help tarot readers conduct more accurate readings. Table of Contents.

But how should you clean and clear your new tarot deck, or even clear your tarot deck's energy after you've been using it for a while? There are people who don't worry about clearing the energy of their tarot and oracle decks, and that is their choice. Personally, I prefer to cleanse new tarot decks

The relationship you have with your tarot deck plays a part in your ability to connect to and read your cards intuitively. This post will tell you how to cleanse tarot cards in a variety of ways so that you can choose the method that resonates most with you!

Your Tarot Cards. Store your cards with a quartz crystal which is a wonderful absorber of energies. If you want to keep your crystal ‘clean’ too, then use any of the ... Place your Tarot cards at a specially made altar in between readings. …Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins

Learning how to read tarot cards and understanding the meaning of each is crucial, but without proper cleansing, it can be hard for the readings to be as Clearing a tarot card deck is a preliminary step you can take to neutralize them. You should consider this as the tarot version of rebooting a computer.

27, 2021 · 16 effective techniques to cleanse a new Tarot deck. Knock on the card three times; Use incents or smudge sticks: Sage, sandalwood, or Palo Santo; Use an essential oil diffuser: Sage, Sandalwood, Frankincense; Place the deck in the sunlight; Place the deck in the moonlight; Place crystals near or on top of your deck: Selenite, Clear Quartz, or Black …

How to Shuffle your Tarot Cards | 6 Ways to Shuffle your Decks.

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Tarot for the Modern Reader. 7 Ways to Thoroughly Cleanse Your Tarot Deck. There are many times that we want to give our Tarot cards a good clearing and cleansing. The very first time we will want to cleanse our cards is when we first bring them home. You may have gotten them secondhand

In the process of handling a tarot deck, the deck could become dirty both physically and energetically. Certified tarot grand master Claudia has joined our online collaboration to help build a comprehensive resource for those who wish to learn about Tarot.

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Cleansing your tarot and oracle cards before or after every use will ensure there is no residual energ. If you ever find the energy of your tarot or oracle deck is feeling dull or you are having a difficult time connecting with your deck, it is likely that your cards need to be cleansed and charged.

Cleansing a tarot deck is so important! You do not know who touched your deck before you and what kind of mood they had or energy they put into the deck. I've come up with 10 ways to cleanse your decks! 1. Place your deck at the window sill or any spot the moonlight will hit it and let it cleanse

Crystals. Certain crystals can be great for cleansing decks. You can either set your deck on …Smoke. Magdaleno and Vanderveldt both like to use smoke for cleansing also. Simply hold …Salt. "Salt is such a powerful and accessible tool for clearing," Vanderveldt tells mbg. As …Sunlight. There's something refreshing about being out in the sunshine and getting some …Moonlight. Just like crystals can be charged under the light of the moon, so can your deck! …Shuffling. Shuffling is standard practice before a reading, and Vanderveldt explains that it …Knocking. Have you ever heard that you should knock on your deck three times before a …Breath. The breath is a powerful tool, and incorporating it into your cleansing process will …Visualization. If you're into visualizations, why not try one for cleansing your deck? …Sound. Last but not least, sound is another wonderful tool for cleansing your deck, according …See full list on

How to Cleanse and Bless Your Tarot Cards. 1. Incense/Smudging. Crystals go with tarot like peanut butter and jelly. Using crystals to recharge and cleanse a deck is one of my favorite methods. Place a clear quartz point on top of your deck when not in use.

How to Cleanse Your Tarot Deck. This is my current method. It could change at any time. I don't do a lot of work with crystals, nor with pagan or Wicca rituals. Ta-da! My deck is now cleansed. When I want to do a reading with a cleansed deck, I thoroughly shuffle to make sure the cards are mixed


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To avoid Tarot deck cleansing feeling like a boring chore, choose a technique or method that you actually enjoy. The process will then feel more like a special ritual that strengthens the connection between you and the Tarot cards. Closing Thoughts on how to Clean and Clear your Tarot Deck.

Have you ever wondered how tarot readers serve many clients using the same Tarot deck if they don't have time to do a cleansing process between clients? Well, this is the technique that many professional tarotists use. All that is required is to cut and shuffle the cards vigorously.

Cleansing your Tarot cards is important for maintaining a positive energy in your Tarot readings and connecting with your Tarot deck. In the following blog post, I take a look at a number of different techniques that will help you cleanse your Tarot deck and when you might need to use

Cleansing a tarot deck, or any object really, with sage can similarly clear its energies. To do this, all you do is burn a sage bundle, or wand, and move Here's how to clear and cleanse your tarot cards with a bell. To cleanse your tarot deck with sound, hold your tarot deck in your non-dominant hand.