How To Care For Someone With Huntington Disease

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for Huntington’s Together. Caring for Huntington’s Together. Caring for someone with Huntington’s disease (HD) is a big task—one that takes courage and strength. See what others have to say about caring for someone with HD, while also still paying attention to their own needs. Be sure to check with a doctor before putting these tips into action.

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23, 2021 · focus on self care Don’t be reluctant to take breaks and treat yourself at regular intervals Build up a community/support team of experts and friends with whom you can talk, discuss and better understand Understand that various loved ones and friends can help you in different ways. For ...

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for Someone With Huntington’s DiseaseCaring for someone with Huntington’s disease. Being the primary caregiver for anyone with …Managing medical care. Having a team of medical professionals around you and your loved …Everyday practical needs. The daily needs of a person living with Huntington’s

Huntington’s Disease Society of America (HSDA) has nutrition advice for people with …The HSDA recommends using equipment to make preparing and serving meals much easier …

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Caring for Someone With Huntington’s DiseaseManaging Medical Care. Helping your loved one manage their medical care is a major part …Practical Needs. When it comes to caring for someone who has Huntington’s disease, there …Psychiatric Needs. Huntington’s disease causes many psychiatric and psychological effects.

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