How To Become A Dom

Understand what a Dom is A Dom is someone who wishes to express dominance over …Don’t believe the hype Being a Dom is long, monotonous, frustrating, and fucking hard work. …Don’t try and Dom the world Identifying as a Dom doesn’t mean that every Sub will suddenly …Don’t lie or exaggerate Don’t claim to have 15 years experience when you’re 25. People can …Choose your heroes wisely Just like I warned you against bullshitting; others will bullshit too. …Be eager to learn Leading a functional D/s relationship is hard and full of pitfalls. It’s better to …Understand the limitations of your new skill or knowledge Ever heard the saying that a little …Don’t try and be something you’re not “Know thy self”…. “To thy own self be true”….. …Examine yourself regularly Time never stops, and people change. This includes Doms. We …Take your time D/s relationships are a marathon, not a sprint. All the rope, and wax, and …See full list on

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22, 2021 · How to be more Dominant. A Dom’s body language and speech need to be powerful and in control. They should also look the part. They don’t have to be a Christian Grey, but they should be fit, have good hygiene, be well dressed, and not : 28Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins

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order to do this a Dom must be paying attention to the current emotional and physical state of their sub. You need to be reading her body language without hesitation or misunderstanding. To do this properly, you need to be able to fully trust the verbal and physical feedback you are getting is entirely accurate.

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09, 2021 · The dominant partner in the relationship leads, guides, and protects the submissive while having consensual power and control over them. A dominant in a relationship may also be referred to as a dom or the top. The dominant may dominate the relationship 24/7 or choose to be dominant during BDSM role-playing and fantasies.