How Can God Send Someone To Hell

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If God supposedly loves us, why would he send someone to hell? I willingly believe that the damned are, in one sense, successful, rebels to the How could love play any part in hell? Going to College. Though theologians have debated for decades whether the descriptions of heaven and hell in

In order to address the question of a loving God sending someone to hell, we need to define a few terms and correct a few wrong assumptions. The question is, how can he not? The fact that God is love makes hell necessary. "Hell," as E. L. Mascall once said, "is not compatible with God's love; it

God does not send anyone to hell. Each of us have been made for eternity and there is some place we must go after death. If someone rejects God's free gift of salvation, then they must be sent away from His presence. The Bible says that this place is hell. Though God originally created hell for the

God did not create hell. God gave you a choice to love him, he does not send you there, but you choose to That's how you get forgiven. Since Jesus Christ did not sin and faced death, God will allow you Sending someone to hell just because they don't worship them is cruel and unjust, it's just

Why does a loving god send people to Hell? It is difficult to reconcile the idea of a loving God sending people to hell. I get it that people may be puzzled by that concept. And when I contemplate this concept of a loving God sending someone to Hell, I think of the story of creation and the

How can a loving God send someone to hell, a place of unimaginable pain and misery, for eternity simply for not believing in Him? This is an example of a logical fallacy known as "false analogy." Although we may unintentionally do something bad that causes pain to someone

God did this to demonstrate his righteousness, for he himself is fair and just, and he declares sinners to be right in his sight when they believe in Jesus." "For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ." 2 Corinthians 5:21 (NLT).

How can a loving God send people to hell? Why did God make hell? Does God Send People to Hell?Подробнее.

Does the concept of eternal hell contradict the idea that God is love? In order to address the question of a loving God sending someone to hell, we need to define a few terms and correct a few wrong assumptions.

OPINION: Lita Cosner says God is not to be blamed when an unrepentant, rebellious creature chooses a destructive path that leads to Hell in this week's There are a lot of charges brought up against the God of the Bible; perhaps one of the most common is, "If God is supposed to be loving, how

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How can a loving God be just in sending morally good people (from a human perspective) to hell for all eternity? Trinity President, Dr. Braxton Hunter, addresses that question in the So how could God send someone to a place of absolute suffering for all eternity? Better yet, how is he just in doing this?

Many people ask how God can condemn people to Hell who have never heard of Him or who never had the chance to repent. This often involves the perception, however, that people are in a 'neutral' state and either choose for or against Him when they hear the Gospel. In reality, everyone is in

How could he send people to Hell?? God will not allow someone to be in hell forever? Because thats heresy. So there is that. Second, God doesn't send anyone to Hell. God sets everyone up for victory, giving them everything they need to succeed, with a huge reward at the end.

How to answer people who ask why God would send someone to Hell. Taken from the message "Answering Difficult Questions Non-Believers Ask", from

How can a God send people He claims to love to that extreme agony? For some people, the idea that God would even create such a place brings into One common definition of hell is that it's a place of eternal separation from God. While this is not specifically stated like this in the Bible, there

The second fallacy presented by the question "how can a loving God send someone to hell?" concerns the word send, which denotes an action only on the part of the sender. However, this understanding of the word send cannot be applied to the question at hand because God has

How could a loving God torture his own sons and daughters in this place we call hell? Their answer is usually either that there is no God, or if there is This age-old objection to the Biblical God due to his supposedly harsh judgment of hell is not unique to those who have been impacted by Stanton's

Hell fire and brimstone preaching may scare a few people into Christianity, but it will produce a church of people with fire insurance rather than disciples who love God for How does a loving God send anyone to Hell? He doesn't. But neither do they experience eternal life, either in quality or duration.

Medieval illustration of Hell in the Hortus deliciarum manuscript of Herrad of Landsberg (about 1180).

Many people on here say that god loves unconditionally, but how could a loving god send someone to be tortured for eternity? Some people say that god doesn't send us to hell, and that we send ourselves there by not doing gods will, and that god gave us free will and won't force us to do


As a Christian you may have had someone ask you, or you may have been asked yourself, how a loving God could possibly ever send someone to hell. It's a valid question to want to have answered.

It isn't just about "How could a loving God send someone to Hell," but rather, "I don't think a loving God could even create a place like Hell." All of these "theories" have abounded because people cannot reconcile a loving God and the literal, terrible Hell that has been taught for centuries.

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Also asked as: How could a merciful God send someone to Hell? Isn't Hell just a ctional threat created by Christians? A merciful God would offer a way to escape Hell. God did that through the death of Jesus on the cross ... paying for our sins and offering salvation to us.

So how could a loving God send people to hell . . . that is, eternal suffering and eternal separation from his loving presence? God could have sent all people to hell and still have been a God of love; he had already provided a way for people to go to heaven in his Law.

First, God doesn't send anyone to Hell. We send ourselves there. This is can come off dogmatic - but it's still true. The bible says on multiple occasions By virtue of creating the world, hanging the stars in the sky and decreeing where land meets the seas, God gets to decide how the planet AND the

The only way God sends someone to Hell is if they reject this gift. It gives us tangible examples of how to love someone. Here are those examples summed up with a few points added. Take the stranger in to love them, not fellowship with them Visit the prisoner to speak the truth and life to

That is terribly unfair of God! How can He create a person to be a certain way and then cast them into the flames of hell because they are doing exactly what Sadly, many seem to think that God is looking for reasons to judge people. They picture God as an angry person who enjoys sending people to

How can a loving God send someone to hell? Is God going to send people to hell just because they didn't believe in Him? No, he'll send them their because of their sins, their actions, their choices, and decisions.

hell is the grave, God doesn't send anyone anywhere, judgement. day has not arrived yet, the lake of fire is the second death and people put themselves there by rejecting what God has given as the only way to escape, yes your sin is cause for a guilty verdict, little sins big sins, sin is all sin.

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How could God consign anyone to hell? The fair response to that question is to ask another. Who are we to judge the perfect God's dealing with our lack of perfection? The same principle applies to people in hell. God does not send souls to hell. Our imperfect lives demand that sentence.