How Can God Send People To Hell

You see, God doesn't choose hell for anyone. They choose to reject Him now and many will choose not to dwell with Him in the coming age. How can we ask 'why does GOD send people to hell?'…because it takes the responsibility off of us and puts it on Him. The Bible says

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If God is so good, then how could He allow people to go to hell? Hell seems so inconsistent with the character of God. Why not send everyone to heaven? To answer this question properly a number of points should be made.

How Can God Send People to Hell Who Haven't Heard About Jesus? For example, the Bible never describes hell as a place where people experience torture. Instead, it's described as a place where people will be tormented.

How could he send people to Hell?? OP, I don't believe that God sends people to hell for eternity. To get to heaven, the gospel says that you just need faith in Jesus. And later on, it is explained that eventually, every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

If God is all-loving, how can He stand to send people to Hell? Why would He even create hell in the first place? The point about Hitler (that most people would agree he deserved to go to hell) wouldn't work with him. Eternal torment is too heinous for *any* person no matter what atrocities they committed.

How can a loving God send people to hell? Jesus reconciles God's love & grace, judgment & hell in John 3:16 "for God so loved the world". So then comes the million dollar question-how could a loving God ever send anyone to hell? The answer is very simple. He doesn't.

Author of "23 Minutes in Hell" Bill Wiese, along with his wife Annette, provide scriptural insight into the topic, How Can A Loving God Send People To Hell?

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If God is so loving how can he send people to hell? The other side of this question is: 'If God is so just how can he accept anyone into heaven?' God reveals to us clearly two aspects of his character: his justice and his love.

But hell is an awful place, and we're conscious that our hearers might think God was cruel for sending people there. Could it be that we have our own inward misgivings about how a loving God can send people to hell, and consequently prefer to speak of him as passive?

But it can be hard to imagine how a loving and merciful God could send people to a place described as a "furnace of fire." God has no desire that anyone should be cast into hell. He fervently loves each one that He has placed on earth. He gives people so many chances to repent and receive forgiveness.

How can God love everyone if He sends some people to hell, or did I miss something here? I don't think that God sends anyone to hell, because Jesus said: Moreover, the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son —John 5:22, NIV (Jesus speaking).

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Error. Guided Discussion. How can God send people to hell? Discuss Together. Has coming to grips with an uncomfortable truth ever provided you Hell is an uncomfortable thing to talk about and we all wrestle with it in different ways. Is hell something you find unrealistic, unfair, understandable,

For more: see Why would a loving God send people to Hell? How does anyone escape Hell? Really, the question that should boggle our minds is not "How can God send Some people acknowledge that Hell is necessary and just for those who have failed to trust in Christ for the forgiveness of sins.

The other day, a skeptic asked me, "How can you believe in a God who would command the slaughter of innocent people in the Old Testament?"He is of Reading through the book of Joshua can be a little tough going at first, as God calls his people to cleanse the land. But we should bear in mind that

Answer. The Bible says that God created hell for Satan and the wicked angels who rebelled against Him, but there are people in hell also (Matthew 25:41). Both angelic beings and human beings are in hell for the same reason, sin (Romans 6:23).

God sends no one to hell, we send ourselves there by choosing to do wrong and avoiding the good. If we live a life of corruption and don't take Christ as our saviour we will not want to be with Him when He comes for us at the end of our life on this earth. Our "will" will have already been set against Him

How can a good and loving God not send sinful people to hell? But because God is loving and mighty to save ( Isaiah 63:1 ), he implemented the perfect solution to the problem of justice. Along with the Curse, God promised in Genesis 3:15 to send a Deliverer, the "Seed of the woman," who would

God sends people to hell. God is the Righteous King who executes judgment upon the lawbreaker. When Christians say that God does not send people to hell but that sinners send themselves, they are ignoring the sense in which God is the judge and are putting the emphasis upon the sinner instead

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Is an all-loving, all-good God incompatible with the idea of Hell? Karlo Broussard says no, and shows why Catholics believe Hell is a natural effect of sin. That's exactly how I would go about it initially, in regard to putting forward the idea that all those in Hell are there because they choose it.

God is not sending anyone to hell. It's not His decision. We have a free will to believe or not to believe. John 3:36 states, "He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not So before we accuse God of being mean for sending people to hell, we might want to realize that this is the

He sends people to Hell because they have sinned. The judgment for sin will be in relationship to how much they knew. To phrase it another way, it is God does not judge people for failure to believe in Jesus, but because they are sinners. The problem is that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory

A loving God and hell or eternal punishment are at opposite ends of the spectrum. This question is designed to be a stumper, which if you only look at We have a tendency to look at how we are doing compared to those around us. Many times, we fair pretty well. If we are guilty of breaking God's

God certainly does send people to hell. He does pass sentence, and he executes it. Indeed, worse than that. We should ask, "How did Jesus expect his audience to think and feel about the way he spoke of hell?" The words he chose were not chosen to soften the horror by being accommodating

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The notion that God sends people to hell is accurate in a certain sense. If by "send to hell" one means that God himself will cast unrepentant sinners into the lake of fire (Rev. 14:10; 20:15; cf. Matt. 25:41), then that is true enough. However, in another real and very important

"Why would an all-loving God send people to hell for the rest of eternity" isn't really a mystery question at all even though atheists try to make it as if it is. This question is just 1 of many stupid questions atheists love to use to prey against Christians in order to continue justifying their rejection against God.

If you were God, would you send people to Hell if they simply didn't believe in you? How would I treat my children? The most enduring metaphor used to describe God in the Bible is that of a When people use this as a rebuke, they are really saying, "No one knows the mind of God — except

So when God sends people to hell, he is essentially giving them what they desired while alive on Earth. To be separated from him. If God really loves us, how could he allow some of us to go to hell and literally spend eternity in torturous agony? That doesn't sound like love to me.

How can a loving God be just in sending morally good people (from a human perspective) to hell for all eternity? Trinity President, Dr. Braxton Hunter Welcome to Trinity Insight: The home of the thinking Christian, and today we're asking the question can a loving God really be just in allowing people

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how could a loving god as described in the bible, send those he loves to hell?those he loved so much as to send his son to die for them. First god sends no one to hell, people chose by free will separation from him.

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